Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Let It Be Parody - Let It Rain

I really like The Beatles' song Let It Be; it's my favorite song right now. (I change my favorite song like, every year or so). But, I found it disappointing that I hadn't made a parody of it yet. Late one night I was just singing it and putting nonsense into it and started thinking about how I wished it would rain. Then I had a flashback of a young boy of 12 who did not want to cut the grass. In his creativity he tried to make it rain by singing a song, rather, a parody. I thought that was cool. I had completely forgot about those words I spoke many years before. So, my first parody so far was this one technically. But I only made up the first chorus then. Now, from that, I created the rest of the song. Everything was thought of except the last verse. The last 5 lines aren't in Let It Be, but I added it for my parody. Ironically, it never rained when I sang it in my younger days. But after I finished this parody, it rained for three days straight. And it seems to rain the next day whenever I sing it now.

Original: Let It Be by The Beatles

Let It Rain
When It's time for me to cut all my grass
And I don't want the tired pain
Cleanse the Earth with water

Let it rain
I know it just postpones it
But I got out of doing it today
Cleanse the Earth with water
Let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Cleanse the Earth with water
Let it Rain
And when there's all those people
Who say rain takes happiness away
Never quiet your voice
Let it rain
For though they're narrow minded
And they think that you may be insane
Never quiet your voice
Let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Never quiet your voice
Let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Cleanse the Earth with water
Let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Cleanse the Earth with water
Let it rain
And when the night is cloudy
I know that it will happen again
With a clash of thunder
Let it rain
I wake up to the sound of water
Falling on my window pane
And I smile saying
Let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Cleanse the Earth with water
Let it rain

Let it rain, let it rain
Let it rain, let it rain
Never quiet your voice
Let it rain
With a clash of thunder
Cleanse the Earth with water
Never quiet your voice
Just smile and say
Let it rain. Let it rain.