Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dancing Queen Parody - Glofing King

So, I was going to go golfing one day, and the day before this idea popped in my head. The title was spontaneous and as I was golfing, the rest of the song came to me pretty easily. That's all.

Original: Dancing Queen by Abba

Golfing King

You can swing
You can putt
Mostly you rely on luck
Set that tee
Make your swing
You are the golfing king

Waking up at the crack of dawn
Strapping your bag of golf clubs on
Make sure you have your drivers
And your putters too
And ten different irons
You don't want to shoot into trees
Land in water, sand traps, or weeds
Then you have to choose your club
Which one will you use
A wedge or 9 iron
Show when it is your turn

You are the golfing king
You're the guy
With that super swing
Golfing king
Listen to all the birdies sing (Golf pun)
Miss water
And sand traps
Get on the fareway or past (Please)
All your hits
You are the golfing king

You're on the green looking cocky
You got there in one shot not three
Shooting under one-hundred
Isn't hard to do
You think you should go pro
Then everyone will know

You are the golfing king
There's something
You are not telling
Golfing king
You're so good it's almost sickening (But hey)
Callaway, Top Flight, Maxwell
Choose your ball
Make it zing
You are the golfing king
Hail the golfing king

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ticking Parody - Loving

Now this was a milestone! I thought Bohemian Rhapsody would be an accomplishment, then Hotel California, but Ticking is so long that I never imagined I could do it. Also, it's a long story as well. So here is my attempt at a longer story. "Screaming for a wife" to "You you" was spontaneous and everything else was thought of at work. The first few lines came easily, but it was the last few before the "chorus" that took a while. The syllables just wouldn't cooperate. Nine hours is a long enough time to wrap my mind around a parody and put it all together.

Original: Ticking by Elton John


"An extremely loving child" is what your family always say
"He's always given out cards to kids on Valentine's Day"
So what is the reason that you have never gotten wed?
Your parents are worried you may be messed up in the head

It's not like you have never tried; it is quite the contrary
You have asked many girls out, but got shot down to your dismay
You have never been on a date in all your life
And every single day you always hear your mother gripe

"I want a little girl now" mama said
Remember mama said
Loving, loving
"Get to it; find a wife
Give me a daughter"
Do it, do it, loving, loving

There you were crying in a downtown bar screaming for a wife
Some goof said "He's just love sick. He needs to get a life"
You kissed a pretty lady who came way too close to you
Oh she did not appreciate that too much and she slapped you

Promising to find love before the day was done
But as you walked away from the bar, your reality dawned (it dawned)
You have tried your whole life, why would today be different
You decided it was useless and you gave up on it

"Now I'll never get grandchildren" mama said
Remember mama said
Loving, loving
"Everyone in the world can do it
Why can't you?"
Do it, do it, loving, loving

You called your best friend Jesse, knowing you would not be made fun of
You cried and complained for so long about your troubles to find your love
Then Jesse said "How about this: why don't you marry me?"
That statement made you see the obvious: that Jesse was a she

"I have loved you ever since I met you, but you couldn't tell"
And then you knew, in your heart, you wanted her as well
After all this time, here it was. You finally had your shot
The story of two best friends who secretly loved each other was so hot

"We're not getting any younger" mama said
Remember mama said
Loving, loving
"What are you waiting for? Propose, get married and start your life"
Do it, do it, loving, loving

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Magic Parody - Vowels

This parody is a prime example of my spontaneity. I was just driving along one night, just delivering some pizza, Magic came on, and the words just fell in. I can honestly say that I have no idea where the idea came from, the words just came to me. So, the first chorus, the first line in each chorus, the first verse, "what are the vowels in your name", and the part about "Y" was spontaneous. The little bit left was thought of.

Original: Magic by Pilot


Six fantastic letters
The vowels
They're the most important ones
The vowels. You know
We can't make words without them

"A" is the first one.
A word all by itself
And "E" is the most popular one
Then there is "I"
A very special one.
When it is alone it is capitalized

Six amazing letters
The vowels
We cannot live without them
The vowels. You know
What are the vowels in your name

"O" and "U" are there
They're used discreetly
They are kind of weird and used oddly
But then there is "Y"
It is the outcast
It is only a vowel as a last resort

Six wonderful letters
The vowels
What did we do before them
The vowels. You know
Who even invented them

A, E, I, O, U, Y
The vowels
We use them all of the time
The vowels. Just look
At all the vowels in this song

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Rocket Man Parody - Banker Man

Now that you know my night job is a delivery driver for Pizza Hut, it's only fair to tell you my morning job. I am a teller at Cinfed Credit Union. I told someone at work that I write parodies, and she told me I should make one of Rocket Man by Elton John. I told her that I tried, but with no luck. She gave me an idea by saying I should make Socket Man. So during work and my drive home I thought about electrical stuff, like an electrical socket. I told this idea to Amanda and spontaneously I thought "Hey, what about me. What about Banker Man?" So, that happened. And the next day at work I thought of the rest of this song. The chorus was spontaneous as was the last two lines. Ironically, I wrote it down (and now posting it) in my free time.

Original: Rocket Man by Elton John

Banker Man

Opened the doors at nine: on time
Already, costumers.
And they want me to help them
Oh, the nerve
But I guess that's my job here at Cinfed
It's too early for this
I wanted to just stay in bed

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Until I get to have some more free time
With all these members wanting to know their balances
I'm a banker man
Banker man, making the transactions all day long

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Until I get to have some more free time
With all these members wanting to know their balances
I'm a banker man
Banker man, making the transactions all day long

Cashier Checks, bonds, coin vouchers, checks on us
All different paperwork
And you need to know how to type them all in
But many things are just plain confusing
A lot of memorization
Oh, Banker man
Banker man

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Until I get to have some more free time
With all these members wanting to know their balances
I'm a banker man
Banker man, making the transactions all day long

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Until I get to have some more free time
With all these members wanting to know their balances
I'm a banker man
Banker man, making the transactions all day long

And I think it's gonna be a long long time
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
And it might not be as long as I I thought
And I kind of have some free time right right now
So I guess that I will just sing my my song
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
Maybe I'll balance the money in my drawer