Monday, May 17, 2010

Dream On Parody - Skin Care

After Chicken On the Run was written, my parodies came to me more easily. I wrote this one the same day. The first line was basically the foundation of the whole song. When people look in the mirror and mention their face, it's mostly about acne. (Or maybe that's just me). Either way, I was listening to Dream On and changed the first verse past the mirror-face stuff. The first part of the song was spontaneous up to the naming of products. From that point to the end, it was thought of. Just FYI, I don't have horrible acne, just average I suppose. But I have tried just a few. Formula 29 was the best ever, but it was discontinued :-( Anyway, this is just fun.

Original: Dream On by Aerosmith

Skin Care
Every time that I look in the mirror
My skin isn't
' any clearer
Just more acne

I don't know what to believe
With all these lies
From all these skin care products that I buy

Well, they all say they're the best
So much better than the rest
And they lay it on so thick
So that we pay for another trick

In our lives we all want to look great
But it's so hard when our skin outbreaks
You know that I
Just don't know which one to buy

Neutrogena and Old Spice
I've tried them all once or twice
And all of them from Mary Kay
They didn't work but
you expect me to say

Proactive, Noxzema
"The best way to get clear skin" blah blah blah
Clearasil and

I've tried them all and their ultra forms

Skin care
I've tried
And I still have my acne

Skin care
I've tried
So much
And they just don't work on me

Skin care
There are
How do
I know
Which one
Will work

Zenmend, Acnezine
Oxy Balance, Formula 29
Maybe if I use them all day
Maybe tomorrow the good
take it away

I tell you, I'm not bitter
I just wish my skin was clearer
Oh no, I'm not angry

I just wish I didn't have so much acne