Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lady Parody - Bailey

All right. So, here we go. The first parody of many to come. Please let me know what you think. Also, I will post a link to a youtube video of the original song so you may get the full experience of mine...ya know, if you play it while reading mine.

This was the very first parody that I made and wrote down to remember. For a long time in my life, I had been making up parodies to myself - just silly little changes to the songs - and they amused me. But if I ever tried to tell someone about it, I couldn't remember what I said. So, I promised myself that I would start writing down my parodies, and this was the next one to come.

Bailey is a cat. But not just any cat. He is a seventeen pound cat belonging to my fiancé. For those of you not familiar with pet weights, seventeen is freaking huge for a cat. You can't really blame my fiancé's family though. They found the cat as a stray and apparently wanted it to eat it's fill.

Anyway, I had the song Lady by Styx stuck in my head all day as I cut my fiancé's grass. I took a shower after I was done and when I walked out of the shower, there was Bailey sleeping soundly. I started singing Lady, but replaced Lady with Bailey. Upon hearing his name, he opened one eye and glared at me for waking him up. I then made up the second verse then and there. The rest of the song I made up later.


Bailey from the moment I saw you
Lying on the couch
I knew you were not that exuberant
You need to get up and move

Your glare; it is quite petrifying
All you wanna do is sleep
But now you seem quite annoyed
Because I'm disrupting your peace
You're my

Bailey you eat too much
You eat everything in sight
And then you beg for more
Then you throw up

Bailey you weigh too much
For a kitty cat
Seventeen is too much for a feline
Slim Fast can't do nothing for you
You're my

Bailey in the morning
You must have your breakfast
Early: three o' clock sharp
You're my Bailey

Bailey - spoiled brat cat
Sulking without attention
Dandruff: what's up with that?
You're my



Amanda H. said...

Cute parody!!! And I agree 17 pounds is freakin' huge for a cat.

Captain Dumbass said...

17 pounds? That's a good Thanksgiving dinner right there. Nice parody, and good idea for a blog.